
Tell your story

Story Lover!

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Sit by the fire and tell your story.

We love to say that Tell a Story is a multidisciplinary platform. Share stories, recipes, or journeys with the public audience. Or, keep them niched. You choose what content type you will create and who will consume it.

Connect with other Tell a Story authors and editors to get inspired and keep up with their latest stories. Contribute to the community through storytelling and reap the benefits of being a member of the Tell a Story family.



Become a member of our growing community. On our story-exchange platform, numerous readers have the opportunity to search, see, hear, read and buy your story. What is more, we help you target your audience interested in that particular type of content. You choose whether your readership will be niched or worldwide.

Many readers, editors, and literary agents will be able to find you as an author and enjoy the piece of your writing. Or your story can be kept private or shared with your chosen friends only.

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