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I attend university in Glasgow and found it hard to adjust to my new life when I arrived here. My Mum opened an account on TellaStory and uploaded all of our family recipes so I could follow the steps and cook the foods that I grew up with. Without this I honestly don’t know if I’d have made it through those early years of uni. The step by step layout of the recipes made cooking them so easy and stress free that it inspired me to actually start working in a kitchen on my free days. Now, I love to cook and regularly share recipes with my family back home in England.

Paul, 22, Norwich

During the Covid 19 pandemic, I asked my class of 9 and 10 years olds to share their creative writing homework with the group via Zoom. Each pupil had used the TellaStory platform to present their work to the class. The tools on offer to add pictures, edit text, create a background etc were simple to use but the result was great! A few students in that group went on to start the first ever extracurricular creative writing group in our school.
Making a platform like TellaStory widely available for kids can help unlock their creative potential and give others an opportunity to have their work seen by the world.

Nick, 56, Brisbane

I like using the TELLaSTORY subscription map for organizing my daily routine and work life. It gives me the opportunity to share important information with other members of staff including mapping out vital information for customers and storing contact information safely. It's a great way for me to stay in touch on the go!

Georgina, 28, Rockville

Skydiving is my life, and I love sharing what I do and teaching others. Since partnering with TELLaSTORY I've been able to reach a wider audience, engage with more potential customers and provide a high quality, streamlined service in the process. I highly recommend using the private maps, as it gives me the opportunity to share videos and images of dives with selected customers and I can communicate with my staff that work worldwide!

Nikola, Skydiving Instructor, 42 years old

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