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Welcome to
Tell a Story.

Your Map to story treasures!
Learn. Create. Share. Teach.
Explore and more with Tell a Story

Tell a Story is a world wide community that welcomes everyone into a network of like-minded creators. Share your stories, favorite recipes, travel journals, blog or vlog while earning money from your content. Tell a Story is the ultimate platform for independent writers and media creators.

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Become a Subscriber.

Want to achieve more with your content? Tell a Story gives countless benefits and true value to its subscribers. Dive deep into the sea of our content creation opportunities. Put your stories in front of your friends, editors, and other users. Harness the power of branding and advertising. Sell your content on our growing Marketplace.

Becoming a subscriber means more exclusive content and more storage space, reaching more people with your stories, and growing your educational and creative work. Offer the stories about your works, products, services, knowledge, and experiences to as many consumers as you wish. Unlock the powerful options and turn your passion into an influential and profitable business. Be part of the Tell a Story platform and customize what you produce in the most advantageous way for both you and your content consumers.

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Free/Trial / Registred user

All registered community members Are free user!

Starter / Month

Use Mobile App for creating your content and sell it on

Standard / Month

For a family’s who love to share content and keeps it private.

Advanced / Month

For entrepreneurs and agencies To create richer content, keep it Private or selling on marketplace.


For entrepreneurs and agencies To create richer content, keep it Private or selling on marketplace.


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